BLDLIBINFO - Build library information database


Running a DSPLIB to *PRINT is a handy way of getting the total size of a library but there isn't an *OUTFILE option. Decoding the spool file is one option, but that can change between releases. A better way is via the system API QLIRLIBD. I've used this to build my own *OUTFILE to get disk use stats over time. Just schedule program BLDLIBINFO to run in batch at the frequency you want (daily, weekly, etc) and work with the results in file LIBINFO.

How it works: BLDLIBINFO dumps a list of all libraries on the system to a user space (via the List Objects API, QUSLOBJ) and calls a small RPGIV wrapper (RTVLIBINF) to the QLIRLIBD API for each library. The summary info (Library, type, ASP, number of objects, total size etc,) is written to LIBINFO, along with the extract date. It's fairly straightforward to get growth stats from this information.

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This is packaged in SRCPARSER format. See installation instructions for details. The make routine (to compile the file & three programs) is MAKELIBINF.

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Topic revision: r2 - 01 Oct 2014 - 19:37:00 - UnknownUser
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