This page is obsolete...

This page used to host a mirrored download of a Debian virtual machine running TWiki 4.0.4 (by now a very old, and insecure, version). I'm no longer using TWiki, having been very concerned by the direction of the project under, and have moved all the sites I run to
Foswiki instead. I no longer recommend that people use TWiki.
As part of the overhaul of management on the ability to edit pages in certain parts of the site was restricted. To regain edit access you were expected to sign up to a set of terms and conditions that I and many others found unacceptable. The restricted pages include the Codev topic that points to this page so I can't remove the link. Anyone with access to edit the
TWikiVMDebianStable topic is free to remove the Mirror 3 link to this page...
The Foswiki (Free & Open Source Wiki) project is a fork of TWiki, as of October 2008, with nearly the entire core team of developers carrying on development of the community project under a new name. You can read the details and reason for the fork at Foswiki is much more actively developed and I believe is a considerably more capable product as a result. You can download Foswiki for Windows, Mac and Linux, including several VM images from
MartinRowe - 23 Sep 2009