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Statistics for Main Web

Month: Topic
Sorted ascending
Most popular
topic views:
Top contributors for
topic save and uploads:
Jun 2011 223 2 0  28 WebCreateNewTopic
 19 WebHome
 14 SitePreferences
 12 WebStatistics
 10 MartinRowe
  8 ProjectContributor
  7 WikiGroups
  7 WebChanges
  6 WebSearch
  6 AdminUser
  6 AdminUserLeftBar
  2 MartinRowe
Feb 2015 402 0 0 227 WebCreateNewTopic
 18 WebHome
 11 WebSearch
  8 WikiUsers
  5 AdminUserLeftBar
  4 AdminUser
  4 UnprocessedRegistrationsLog
  4 ProjectContributor
  4 BenRowe
  4 RogerTaylor?
  3 WebIndex
Nov 2011 405 0 0  59 WebHome
 48 WebCreateNewTopic
 34 MartinRowe
 22 ProjectContributor
 19 WebStatistics
 15 WebSearch
 15 WebNotify
 13 AdminUser
 11 SitePreferences
 11 WikiUsers
  8 UserList
Dec 2011 591 0 0 142 WebCreateNewTopic
 56 WebHome
 29 MartinRowe
 26 ProjectContributor
 19 WebSearch
 18 UserListByLocation
 17 WebNotify
 17 WebChanges
 16 UserList
 15 WebStatistics
 11 AdminUser
Apr 2012 608 0 0 143 WebCreateNewTopic
 59 WebHome
 46 MartinRowe
 28 WebStatistics
 24 WebChanges
 20 WebSearch
 13 AdminUser
 12 WebTopicList
 12 WebSearchAdvanced
 11 WikiUsers
 10 UserListByDateJoined
Jan 2012 761 2 0 223 WebCreateNewTopic
 75 WebHome
 52 MartinRowe
 37 UserListByDateJoined
 33 UserList
 32 UserListByLocation
 29 WebStatistics
 22 ProjectContributor
 20 WebSearch
 20 WebChanges
 13 WebNotify
  2 MartinRowe
Aug 2012 781 0 0 202 WebCreateNewTopic
 94 WebHome
 81 MartinRowe
 33 WebSearch
 22 WebChanges
 17 WebPreferences
 17 ProjectContributor
 15 AdminUser
 14 WebTopicList
 14 MargaretCrawford?
 14 WikiGroups
Sep 2014 786 0 0 210 WebCreateNewTopic
 87 WebHome
 30 MartinRowe
 28 WebSearch
 28 ProjectContributor
 28 WebStatistics
 24 WebChanges
 16 WebPreferences
 14 UnknownUser
 14 WikiUsers
 13 SitePreferences
Dec 2012 786 0 0 215 WebCreateNewTopic
 82 WebHome
 35 WebSearch
 33 MartinRowe
 29 WebChanges
 25 AdminUser
 18 WebNotify
 18 WikiGroups
 17 WebStatistics
 14 ProjectContributor
 14 WikiUsers
Jun 2012 838 0 0 156 WebSearch
147 MaryBarnett?
105 WebCreateNewTopic
 94 WebHome
 68 MartinRowe
 22 WebChanges
 19 WebStatistics
 13 WebTopicList
 11 AdminUser
 11 VictorHawkins?
 10 WebNotify
Mar 2012 877 0 0 209 WebCreateNewTopic
105 WebHome
 51 MartinRowe
 32 WebChanges
 29 WebStatistics
 26 ProjectContributor
 24 WebSearch
 24 WikiGroups
 22 AdminUser
 22 SitePreferences
 21 WebPreferences
Jan 2013 916 8 0 253 WebCreateNewTopic
 79 WebHome
 41 WebSearch
 40 WebChanges
 33 MartinRowe
 27 ProjectContributor
 27 WikiGroups
 26 WebStatistics
 24 WikiUsers
 19 SitePreferences
 17 WebTopicList
  6 MartinRowe
  2 RegistrationAgent
Nov 2012 974 0 0 348 WebCreateNewTopic
 93 WebHome
 37 WebSearch
 30 MartinRowe
 27 ProjectContributor
 26 WebChanges
 22 WebStatistics
 20 WebNotify
 20 WikiUsers
 17 AdminUser
 17 SitePreferences
Jun 2013 1000 0 0 215 WebCreateNewTopic
 69 WebHome
 51 WebChanges
 46 MartinRowe
 38 WebSearch
 37 WebStatistics
 27 WikiGroups
 25 ProjectContributor
 25 WikiUsers
 24 WebNotify
 23 SitePreferences
Oct 2012 1001 0 0 173 WebCreateNewTopic
119 WebHome
 87 MartinRowe
 46 WebChanges
 35 WebSearch
 34 ProjectContributor
 29 WebTopicList
 24 SitePreferences
 20 AdminUser
 20 WebStatistics
 20 AdminUserLeftBar
Oct 2011 1004 0 0 250 WebCreateNewTopic
 87 WebHome
 55 MartinRowe
 51 WebStatistics
 33 ProjectContributor
 30 WebChanges
 26 WebNotify
 26 WikiGroups
 24 AdminUser
 23 WebSearch
 22 WikiUsers
Jun 2014 1055 0 0 224 WebCreateNewTopic
 94 WebHome
 57 WebChanges
 48 WebSearch
 46 MartinRowe
 46 WebStatistics
 37 ProjectContributor
 29 WikiUsers
 28 SitePreferences
 26 WikiGroups
 25 WebTopicList
Jul 2012 1107 9 0 305 WebCreateNewTopic
114 WebHome
 92 MartinRowe
 54 WebSearch
 30 WebStatistics
 30 WebChanges
 26 AdminUser
 19 ProjectContributor
 19 WikiGroups
 16 WebTopicList
 16 BarbaraDuncan?
  8 MartinRowe
  1 RegistrationAgent
Apr 2013 1114 0 0 288 WebCreateNewTopic
 95 WebHome
 50 WebStatistics
 47 WebChanges
 44 MartinRowe
 33 WebSearch
 33 ProjectContributor
 29 SitePreferences
 21 UserList
 20 AdminUser
 20 WebPreferences
Jul 2011 1119 0 0 299 WebCreateNewTopic
 80 WebHome
 51 WebStatistics
 41 MartinRowe
 34 ProjectContributor
 25 AdminUser
 22 WebSearch
 22 WebChanges
 21 WebNotify
 21 WikiGroups
 19 AdminGroup
May 2012 1145 0 0 377 WebCreateNewTopic
 84 WebHome
 67 MartinRowe
 59 WebSearch
 46 WebStatistics
 39 WebChanges
 24 AdminUser
 22 SitePreferences
 21 ProjectContributor
 20 UserListByDateJoined
 19 UserList
Sep 2012 1181 0 0 268 WebCreateNewTopic
 98 WebHome
 71 MartinRowe
 56 WebSearch
 44 WebStatistics
 44 WebChanges
 38 AdminUser
 31 AdminUserLeftBar
 29 UnknownUser
 25 UserListByLocation
 22 WCSEditorsGroup
May 2013 1192 0 0 241 WebCreateNewTopic
 88 WebHome
 71 WebStatistics
 53 MartinRowe
 51 WebSearch
 51 WebChanges
 31 WikiGroups
 31 WikiUsers
 25 UserListByLocation
 24 ProjectContributor
 24 SitePreferences
Feb 2014 1204 0 0 267 WebCreateNewTopic
136 WebHome
 58 ProjectContributor
 56 MartinRowe
 32 WebSearch
 30 WikiGroups
 27 WikiUsers
 25 WebChanges
 24 WikiGuest
 24 WebStatistics
 23 UnknownUser
Mar 2013 1255 0 0 331 WebCreateNewTopic
 94 WebHome
 64 WebStatistics
 57 WebChanges
 46 WebSearch
 42 MartinRowe
 33 ProjectContributor
 26 WikiGroups
 25 AdminUser
 25 WebPreferences
 25 SitePreferences
May 2014 1336 0 0 235 WebCreateNewTopic
145 WebHome
 70 WebStatistics
 66 ProjectContributor
 56 MartinRowe
 49 WikiGroups
 46 WebSearch
 43 WikiUsers
 41 WebChanges
 35 SitePreferences
 29 WebPreferences
Mar 2014 1373 0 0 378 WebCreateNewTopic
102 WebHome
 53 WebStatistics
 45 UserListByDateJoined
 42 WebSearch
 40 MartinRowe
 38 ProjectContributor
 38 WebChanges
 33 UserList
 33 UserListByLocation
 33 WikiUsers
Apr 2014 1407 0 0 337 WebCreateNewTopic
179 WebHome
 73 ProjectContributor
 59 WebStatistics
 58 WebSearch
 48 WikiUsers
 47 MartinRowe
 43 WebChanges
 38 SitePreferences
 32 WikiGroups
 23 WebPreferences
Nov 2013 1415 0 0 362 WebCreateNewTopic
 73 WebSearch
 58 WebHome
 50 WebStatistics
 41 MartinRowe
 27 WikiGroups
 27 WebChanges
 25 UserList
 25 WebNotify
 24 WebPreferences
 24 ProjectContributor
Jan 2014 1424 0 0 299 WebCreateNewTopic
108 WebHome
 61 WebStatistics
 59 WebChanges
 54 WebSearch
 43 MartinRowe
 35 ProjectContributor
 30 AdminUser
 30 WikiUsers
 26 WikiGroups
 25 WebTopicList
Aug 2011 1431 0 0 570 WebCreateNewTopic
 72 WebStatistics
 64 WebHome
 33 MartinRowe
 32 ProjectContributor
 30 WebSearch
 27 WebChanges
 25 AdminUser
 25 WikiGroups
 22 WebPreferences
 22 SitePreferences
Feb 2013 1448 0 0 324 WebCreateNewTopic
 87 WebSearch
 77 WebHome
 77 WebChanges
 72 WebStatistics
 45 MartinRowe
 39 WikiGroups
 39 WikiUsers
 37 WebPreferences
 35 WebTopicList
 34 WebNotify
Sep 2011 1471 0 0 488 WebCreateNewTopic
121 WebHome
 75 WebStatistics
 64 MartinRowe
 46 WebSearch
 46 ProjectContributor
 28 WikiGroups
 26 SitePreferences
 25 WebPreferences
 24 AdminUser
 23 AdminUserLeftBar
Jul 2013 1589 0 0 498 WebCreateNewTopic
130 WebHome
 61 WebSearch
 52 MartinRowe
 45 WebChanges
 42 ProjectContributor
 39 WebStatistics
 33 WikiUsers
 30 UserList
 29 SitePreferences
 29 UserListByLocation
Oct 2013 1623 0 0 598 WebCreateNewTopic
 78 WebStatistics
 71 WebHome
 67 WebSearch
 37 MartinRowe
 32 UserListByLocation
 31 UserList
 30 WebChanges
 26 ProjectContributor
 26 GroupTemplate
 23 WikiGroups
Dec 2013 1666 0 0 485 WebCreateNewTopic
 86 WebStatistics
 72 WebHome
 61 WebSearch
 49 UserList
 49 UserListByLocation
 46 MartinRowe
 36 WebChanges
 34 UserListByDateJoined
 28 AdminUser
 24 ProjectContributor
Feb 2012 1740 0 0 233 WebHome
208 WebCreateNewTopic
191 MartinRowe
110 WikiGroups
 78 ProjectContributor
 72 WikiUsers
 71 WebSearch
 70 WebStatistics
 56 WebChanges
 45 WebPreferences
 42 WebTopicList
Aug 2014 1780 0 0 557 WebCreateNewTopic
109 WebHome
 78 WebStatistics
 67 WebChanges
 62 WebSearch
 50 MartinRowe
 47 ProjectContributor
 42 SitePreferences
 36 WikiUsers
 33 UserList
 33 WikiGroups
Jul 2014 2002 0 0 493 WebCreateNewTopic
176 WebHome
 91 WebStatistics
 88 ProjectContributor
 80 WebSearch
 78 WebChanges
 60 SitePreferences
 57 MartinRowe
 57 WikiGroups
 53 WikiUsers
 40 WebPreferences
Aug 2013 2464 0 0 943 WebCreateNewTopic
130 WebSearch
 96 WebHome
 61 WebChanges
 54 GroupViewTemplate
 52 MartinRowe
 50 WebStatistics
 42 AdminUser
 42 UnprocessedRegistrationsLog
 41 WikiGroups
 40 SitePreferences
Sep 2013 5092 0 0 3244 WebSearch
746 WebCreateNewTopic
 98 WebStatistics
 87 WebHome
 58 UserList
 53 UserListByDateJoined
 52 UserListByLocation
 44 MartinRowe
 40 WebChanges
 29 SitePreferences
 26 WebTopicList

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  • Site tools tells you how to enable the automatic updates of the statistics.
  • Suggestion: You could archive this topic once a year and delete the previous year's statistics from the table.
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Topic revision: r1209 - 02 Feb 2015 - 22:17:47 - WikiGuest
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